Support Metro
Ask your Council or Assembly to support Metro.
Support Metro
Join forces with other Councils or Assemblies to participate in programs that may be too big for one organization to handle.
Meet Brother Knights from other Councils and Assemblies.
Share ideas.
Receive important information.
Learn about new programs and initiatives.
Discuss and debate important issues.
Support the Archdiocese.
And More!
How to Support Us.
Mail your Council's or Assembly's $50 donation (or larger) to:
New Orleans Metro Chapter
Attn: David Grego, Treasurer
314 St. Charles Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70130
Make the check payable to:
"New Orleans Metro Chapter."
Annual Donations are solicited on a Calendary Year (January 1 - December 31).
Why an Annual Donation?
Donations are our only source of income.
$50 is the minimum requested annual donation from your Council or Assembly.
The annual donations help us fund various programs and initiatives, such as:
The hospitality we provide to the nuns and volunteers participating in the annual Nuns Build / St. Bernard Project;
A Metro-wide Mass honoring all Knights of Columbus;
A Keep Christ in Christmas billboard; and
The purchase of the Books of the Gospel for local seminarians.
Even if your Council or Assembly is unable to attend Metro Meetings, your financial support is greatly appreciated.